Fitness baked chicken breasts

Fitness baked chicken breasts

Fast and easy recipe for chicken breasts for a treat that helps grow muscles and burn fat. The oil and herbs improve the taste and your ability to digest this dish for your body to make most out of it.

Chicken breasts – 2 pieces
olive oil – 1 tbsp.
dried thyme & parsley – 1 tsp
salt – a pinch

Rinse your chicken breasts and cut them into strips about 1,5 cm/0,5 inch thick. In a container mix 1 table spoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of parsley and thyme (50/50 works well for me). Put the chicken strips into the container and stir, so that the marinade covers the meat. If you have time, put into the fridge for 20 minutes for the marinade to work. If you don’t have extra 20 minutes, skip this step.

Preheat the oven to 200 C/ 390 F. Put your marinated chicken strips onto the baking sheet (I cover it with aluminum foil to avoid extra cleaning later). Sprinkle with a bit of salt. Put into the oven for 15 minutes at the middle level.

You can also marinate and bake whole chicken breasts. In such case you might want to add extra 3 minutes of cooking time. Serve warm with a side dish of your choice or serve cold in a salad with your favorite vegetables or use it to make your favorite sandwich.

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