The best workout techniques to challenge yourself and grow in strength and muscle mass!

In this video, I will be talking about 5 different workout techniques/principles, explaining what they are, how to do them and what the benefits of them are. Learn to master these methods, and you will have more challenging, effective and fun workouts!

The techniques and exercises shown in the video are:

1.Superset – Pull through SS side leg raise
2.Triset – 1 Triceps / 2 Biceps
3.Drop set – Lateral raises
4.Giant set – Sumo squats
5.Eccentric training – Smith kicks

Supersets: Means you are two different exercises and putting them together in the same set. For example like I do, first I’m doing my reps in the cable pull through, and then, directly after, I move over to the next exercise without any rest. When You’ve done the second exercise you rest, that’s a full superset.

Triset: Kind of similar to supersets, but instead of two exercises you use three different exercises directly after each other, without any rest. When you’ve done you’re three different exercises you rest, and that’s a full triset. A perfect way to speed up and make your workout effective, if you’re short on time.

Drop set: Great way to burn out your muscles and really challenging yourself. You can have as many drops as you want, but you need at least two. In my example, I’m doing lateral raises with three different kinds of weights. I’m starting off with the heaviest weights, and after 10 reps I drop down to the next. I do 10 reps on the middleweights and then I drop down once again and do 10 more reps on the last, lightest weights. The drop between the weights is without any rest. After you have worked through your weights once you have done a full drop set, then you can rest.

Giant set: This is the opposite way of drop sets. Instead of dropping weights we will be raising the reps for every weight. We will start with the lightest weight and move up to the heaviest weight. In my example, I have three different weights. When I have done my reps on each weight, I rest. That’s a full giant set. If it gets too heavy, lower the number of reps before removing a weight totally. We want to challenge ourselves, so it’s better that we have more “levels” of weights and instead do a lower number of reps if it’s too hard.

Eccentric reps: Is when you hold your muscle when it is under the most tension. For example: when you biceps curl, you curl up the weights, and on the way down you hoooold the weight for an extra second or two. So 1 second on the way up, and then 1, 2, 3 seconds holding the way down. Look at the video for my example. This is also a type of a time under tension method. It’s a great way to make the easiest weight very, very heavy. Great way to raise the weights if you’re like alone in the gym and don’t have anyone who can spot you lifting heavy weights. Trust me, using eccentric reps will make every rep heavier and heavier.

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