The Military Diet: 3 Day Challenge – Before and After Results

The Military Diet: 3 Day Challenge – Before and After Results

We challenged 3 people to try the 3 day military diet. Here are their before and after results.
PrettyGoodVideos – Good stuff to know.
The military diet claims to help you lose 10 lbs in 3 days, but does it work? We asked 3 volunteers to give it a try and we were pretty impressed with the results. PrettyGoodVideos welcomes YouTuber Rob from On the Cheap Tip to our channel this week! Stay tuned for Rob’s new series My Two Cents every week right here and check out his YouTube channel On the Cheap Tip for more great life tips.

I’m Rob, and this is my two cents! Now you might recognize me from a little youtube show called On the Cheap Tip where I show you how to do things for cheap. Some people think I’m funny. Now I just teamed up with ZestVIP and Pretty Good Videos on youtube. Basically they just stole my idea and asked me to host
the show, and I said yes. Bitch gotta get paid. Now one of my most popular videos on my channel is the Military Diet where you can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days. So I decided to recruit some of the zestVIP employees and have them try the diet.

Hi guys, I’m Emily. I’m Thomas. Hi I’m Dwight.

I expect to A: complain a lot, B Definitely stick to it. and C: I think I’m gonna lose a lot of weight.

Hey guys! So you’re my lucky candidates, right? My first impression of Rob is that he’s animated. Alright, let’s go! When I first saw the food I was like is this one meal?

Here it is, it’s a three day diet. On day 1 for breakfast you eat 1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice of Toast, 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, and 1 cup Coffee or Tea. For lunch you eat a 1/2 Cup of Tuna, 1 Slice of Toast, and 1 cup Coffee or Tea. For dinner you eat, 3 ounces of any type of meat, 1 cup of green beans, 1/2 banana, 1 small apple and 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

I have no idea what I just got myself into.

Day 2, for breakfast you eat 1 egg, 1 slice of toast, a 1/2 a banana. For lunch, 1 cup of cottage cheese, 1 hard boiled egg, and 5 saltine crackers. For dinner, 2 hot dogs without the bun, 1 cup of broccoli, 1/2 cup of carrots, 1/2 banana, and a 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream.

I was a little bit confused by the vanilla ice cream, but I’m gonna trust the process.

On day 3 you eat for breakfast 5 saltine crackers,1 slice of cheddar cheese, 1 small apple. For lunch, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice of toast.
For dinner, 1 cup of tuna, 1/2 banana and 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

I may cheat here and there. There is no cheating. Ok fair enough, say no more. Alright, so guys I’m going to leave you with this meal plan and I’ll see you in the next 3 days. Bye.

My expectations for this diet is to hopefully lose a few pounds, definitely get a few numbers at the beach from some sexy ladies and modeling contract, at least one or two offers.

I’m not so nervous about sticking to the diet. I am nervous about people on the internet hating me. People on the internet hate
everything so be nice.

The thing I’m most nervous about over the course of this diet is how I’ll do with snacking. The reason I’m trying the military diet is
cause I want to test my willpower.

I’m back. I would ask you guys if you’re happy to see me but Im a little afraid after I just put you through 3 days of dieting. As we know we started out with 3, and now we’re missing one and that’s because Emily that bitch is in Hawaii. We’re a little jealous, alls I’m
gonna say.

So Dwight, how did you do? I did pretty well. I didn’t lose the anticipated 10 pounds like the diet said, but I did lose some.

And Thomas, how did you do? So I lost 4 pounds in the first 3 days and I’m sticking on a low calorie diet to try to continue to lose
some weight.

And I think that’s important to know that once you complete this diet, you can’t just go back to the way that you were eating because
you’re just going to gain all the weight back again. You need to kind of continue on a healthier path. Not necessarily 1500 calories but just a healthier path, maybe exercise, walk a little bit, and you’ll find that your energy is just more abundant than it was before.

I wish you guys continued success with your weight loss journey, and hopefully this summer we could all go to the nude beach and just let it all hang out and be proud.

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