Beat Menopause Belly Fat by Starving Your Fat Cells (Not Yourself)

Beat Menopause Belly Fat by Starving Your Fat Cells (Not Yourself)

You can beat menopausal belly fat. Watch as Dr. Becky shares the foods to eat and avoid to starve your fat cells (not yourself).

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When you reach menopause your body wants more fat because fat is a source of estrogen.

You don’t want those extra pounds, so in this video I’ll show you how to keep belly fat under control by starving your fat cells, without starving yourself.

Menopause changes two things:

1. It change where fat is stored on your body (i.e. more gets deposited in your midsection and less in your lower body).

2. It changes where estrogen is produced. The ovaries no longer make estrogen, but your fat cells do, so higher body fat% is not frowned upon by your post-menopausal body.

Cortisol is another hormone that is not automatically thought about with menopause, but it contributes to belly fat.

Think of cortisol as the stress hormone, physical or emotional stress, even a lack of sleep causes an increased release of cortisol.

Bottom Line: you have to work with your body during and after menopause to get it to do what you want.

The trick is to starve your fat cells without starving yourself.

In this video I show you how with the right food choices and time-restricted eating.

Check out the associated blog post for this topic at:



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