The #1 Food To Build MORE Muscle FAST

The #1 Food To Build MORE Muscle FAST

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Have you been hitting the gym? No? Well, starting to workout was Alpha’s single most best decision he ever made. By you taking care of yourself, your life will be changed. Working out drastically increases confidence and self-esteem. Starting is easier than keeping it going however.

Seeing results is the best! But when the result stop, frustrations can begin and slacking off can happen. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro goes over his #1 food that builds muscle the fastest and shreds fat fast!

The Amazing Egg

1. Cheap – great bang for your buck

2. Easy to prepare and portable

3. Complete protein with all 8 essential amino acids

4. Your body knows what to do with it – it’s the perfect post workout meal

5. They’re delicious

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