SLOW VS FAST TWITCH FIBERS ORDER (Roberta Zuniga Female Fitness Motivation)

SLOW VS FAST TWITCH FIBERS ORDER (Roberta Zuniga Female Fitness Motivation)

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Mobilization order and selective recruitment of the muscular fibers

In general terms the Slow twitch fibers are the first ones recruited; they are followed by the recruitment of Fast twitch fibers. However, the selective recruitment of the fibers of ST and FT will depend on the level of force demanded by the muscle and the degree of exhaustion of the metabolic fuels, such as the muscular glycogen, the free fatty acids and the amino acids.

All the fibers of a motor unit are activated simultaneously. The different types of muscular fibers are recruited by phases.

The all of none

This law postulates that a motor neuron or muscular fiber responds completely with its force or doesn’t respond to a stimulus. This implies that a minimum intensity exists (threshold) of stimulation for the innervated muscle fiber. If the stimulation is infe- rior to the threshold, the contraction of the innervated fibers doesn’t happen. On the other side, if the stimulus of the motor neuron is same or on the threshold, then it happens the contraction of the innervated fibers.


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