Lose 10 Pounds This Month: Food to Eat, Exercise to Do, Thoughts to Think

Lose 10 Pounds This Month: Food to Eat, Exercise to Do, Thoughts to Think

Would you like to watch and learn about Dr. Becky’s 4 Daily Habits for fast and healthy weight loss?

For the full post on how to lose 10 pounds this month:

You can lose 10 pounds this month in a healthy way, but your strategy must include the right foods, the right exercise, and the right attitude.

In this video, I walk you through what to eat, which exercises to do, and how to think to keep your motivation strong all month long.

Here’s a quick overview of the video:

FOOD: Your diet will play a big role in getting the weight off by the end of the month, but you have to go about eating in the right way.

Too often, when we try to lose weight quickly, we subtract junk foods, without adding healthy foods. This strategy will backfire, leaving you to fight hunger and cravings.

The better approach is to think Add before Subtract. In other words, you want to add nutrient-dense foods that are naturally low in calories first, so you stay satisfied.

Foods to add include vegetables and beans, and low-sugar fruits. These foods offer a high nutrient-to-calorie ratio, so they keep hunger and cravings away without putting on fat.

Foods to eat in moderation include grains, meats, and whole fats (i.e. nuts, seeds, avocados). These foods contain needed nutrients, but are more calorie-dense than vegetables and beans.

Foods to subtract include processed and sugary foods, which are filled the unhealthy trans fats and fat-storing sugars.

EXERCISE: With your diet under control, you can turn to exercise for added weight loss, just be careful not to overdo it. Adding too much exercise at once, will stimulate your appetite, and work against your overall goal.

For exercise this month, start exercising at a level that is just above your comfort level, and then gradually increase your time and intensity as the weeks goes on.

ATTITUDE: Attitude is everything. Remind yourself that motivation is like a pendulum.

Daily, you will swing back and forth between periods of low and high motivation. When your motivation is low, tell yourself that, ‘This too shall pass.’

For more free weight loss resources from Dr. Becky, watch her 7-Day Junk Food to Super Food Challenge Video:

Watch her video series that shares 4 Daily Habits that give your body no choice but to lose weight:



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