How To Calculate Maintenance Calories | Diet for Bulking and Fat loss

How To Calculate Maintenance Calories | Diet for Bulking and Fat loss

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Maintenance Calories:

Calories At Which Your Bodyweight stays the same. If you eat more than your maintenance you gain weight. If you eat less than your maintenance you loose weight.

No specific diet or food increases or decreases weight. It is the calories that matter.

What are calories & macronutrients. It has been explained in the video.

Maintenance calories is highly subjective depends on age, sex, height, weight, activity levels & metabolism.

The 3500 calorie rule is the best way to calculate maintenance Calories which I learnt from Dr Eric Helms.

Here is how to find your maintenance calories:

1) Eat a specific amount of calories for 2 weeks. For example: 2500

2) note down your weight every morning on empty stomach.

3) calculate week 1 average & week 2 average. In our example let’s say week avg: 80.2 & week 2 avg: 80.6

Which means you gained 400g eating 2500 Cals.

4) convert your weight gained or lost into pounds. In our example this is 0.88lb

5) multiply this by 3500

i.e. 0.88 X 3500 = 3080 this is your weekly surplus or deficit. Depends you gained or lost the weight.

6) divide this weekly surplus or deficit by 7. This is how much calories of surplus or deficit you’re eating on daily.

For bulking eat 300-500 calories surplus per day.

For Fat loss eat at least 400 calories in deficit. No matter you watch full day of eating video by Guru Mann , Jeet Selal , Abhinav Mahajan , Yash Anand or Yash Sharma. You will not get results until you know your body’s own maintenance calories. I will soon share full day of eating bulking and full day of eating cutting / fat loss / shredding. For a shredded, aesthetic and muscular body. Follow Yash Sharma Fitness!

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