How Do Fitness Models Get Rid of Body Hair?

How Do Fitness Models Get Rid of Body Hair?

How do fitness models get rid of body hair?

There are a few methods. Shaving is the old fashioned method.

That’s time consuming. And it hurts.

Use high quality blades and a lot of shaving cream.

Razors near the bikini line are not pleasant.

That’s why waxing is more popular for the bikini line, for girls and guys. One application and then it is removed.

One sharp, painful yank, yes, the hair is gone.

Another advantage of waxing is that it removes the hair from the root. It lasts weeks, instead of the few days shaving gives you.

Or five o’clock shadow.

Then there is laser hair removal.

That’s permanent because it burns out the hair follicles.

It doesn’t hurt.

Except for the pocketbook.

That’s why a lot of people are still shaving and waxing. And then there are those who simply don’t want to remove the hair permanently.

A lot of women find five o’clock shadow sexy, and chest hair.

So body builders don’t want to remove it permanently, in case they want the hair back later.

Not much later, since it will grow back in a matter of days.

Or, in the case of five o’clock shadow, hours.

I’ve never seen a guy’s chest hair grow as fast as his beard.

If a guy’s chest hair grew as well as his beard, you’d see a lot more hair transplants that looked legitimate.

I’ve heard of using sugar to remove hair.

You use a heated sugar paste instead of wax. It doesn’t hurt as much as waxing, but you’re more likely to get ingrown hairs.

That’s definitely not what you want when you’re trying to get baby smooth skin.

There is the fall back solution of wearing tight workout clothes to hide the hair.

As long as it isn’t yoga pants. I don’t want people to look at me and laugh, thinking of Tim Hawkin’s yoga pants song.

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