These BAKED LEAN AND HEALTHY CHICKEN TACO’S are super quick and easy to make with simple ingredients and make for one INSANELY GOOD POST WORKOUT MEAL with only minimal prep and cook time!

Lean Disclaimer: *I made these tacos immediately after my workout in only about 15-20 minutes while my son was running around like a CRAZY BABY.*

However, before we dive into this perfectly healthy taco recipe I wanted to share with you a quick thought! A lot of people who are “dieting” believe that cutting out carbohydrates is the only way to achieve your goals. For me, and the LEANSQUAD, this could not be further from the truth. I believe that life is all about balance and that starts with the foods we eat. Therefore, in my opinion, I think it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to incorporate CARBOHYDRATES in our nutrition.

This is true for a few reasons:

Number 1: Carbs help our muscles repair, recover and grow.

Number 2: Carbohydrates keep us SANE, and what ends up happening when people cut them out entirely is that they fall into a trap of a “restrictive” lifestyle. Always stressing about what they can and CANNOT have. This stress is not good for us mentally or physically. Remember, carbohydrates do not make us gain weight…Over eating processed, sugary foods and leading a life of inactivity is FAR WORSE than any carb out there!

Ok! Now I said my two cents about my philosophy on food and a healthy lifestyle, lets get back to the BEST AND HEALTHIEST TACO RECIPE EVER!!! I’ve added a few notes below!

Firstly, the tacos come out perfectly crispy (and not soggy), which is a problem A LOT of people seem to have when making tacos, so don’t worry about that, I have perfected these and am very excited to share this recipe with you.

Secondly, for the chicken, you can use whatever kind of chicken you like, I cooked a whole chicken then shredded it. You can choose to buy a pre shredded chicken, or buy a rotisserie chicken and shred that – it really just comes down to what you like and what you have available. If you do not eat meat, you can choose to replace the chicken all together with vegan or vegetarian chicken alternative, or you can even choose to use a meatless ground!

Finally, the best part about this recipe is the versatility! You can choose to top these tacos with whatever you like, whether it’s shredded lettuce, tomatoes, jalapenos, or greek yogurt (in place of sour cream)! There are so many options and you can customize your tacos in whichever way you like!

This recipe should make about 10 tacos, making it the perfect recipe to share with family and friends! You can also use this recipe to make as a quick meal throughout the week for the whole family to enjoy! You may even have leftovers for lunch the next day!

*P.S. if you are UNSURE of how to FUEL YOUR BODY while still achieving your weight and fat loss goals then PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to reach out to me or even one better, SIGN UP for your OWN CUSTOM MEAL AND WORKOUT PLAN TODAY!!! Everything is tailored to you, your body, and your fitness level to accomplish your DREAM GOALS in a sustainable way!!


Learn more about the #90dayleanplan and how a custom meal plan and workouts can help you get fitter, healthier and leaner than ever before by visiting

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