What Body Fat Percentage Do Fitness Models Have?

What Body Fat Percentage Do Fitness Models Have?

What body fat percentage do fitness models have?

It certainly isn’t zero. People with no body fat look ugly.

Body builders replace the fat with muscle.

There are Special Forces guys who’ve come in with zero percent body fat, but it means they have no energy reserves. On most men and women, no body fat makes you look bad.

I know that starved, skinny women aren’t attractive except to gay fashion gurus. Why gay guys get to decide what beauty for women looks like I don’t understand.

Female fashion models will have a higher percentage of body fat than men, simply because they are women.

Because too little body fat and they look like ugly guys.

Male fitness models usually have body fat in the single digits. Five to ten percent for a guy is ideal.

What about women?

Female fashion models should average about 15%, though they could have 20% and remain shapely.

I’ve heard of fashion models with 10% body fat.

Getting down that low means her period might stop.

Some fashion models have higher levels most of the time.

Fashion models like body builders often maintain a healthy range like 7% for guys and 14% for women, then cutting right before a competition to look perfect.

Hence all the information out there on how to cut before competition.

They out to cut all that out and sustain healthy muscle gain instead.

I’ve heard that some fashion models and fitness models get liposuction.

Liposuction gets those stubborn areas a workout often doesn’t. You can’t use lipo to lose weight permanently, but it might get rid of a woman’s permanent pouch after having had a kid.

Can you have an average figure and be a fitness model?

Not an average for today’s society, that is around a size 10. But you could be a muscular size 6 and win the figure competition or bikini competition.

Whereas the women in the body building competition has darn near zero fat and look like the guys.

Any woman in the body building competition generally looks like a guy, anyway.

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