TRX Suspension Trainer Triceps Dips – Tricep Dip with Fitness Anywhere Trainers

TRX Suspension Trainer Triceps Dips – Tricep Dip with Fitness Anywhere Trainers

Triceps dips on the TRX Suspension Trainer are an effective exercise which isolates the triceps. To perform them, face away from the TRX and grab the handles behind your back with your palms facing towards eachother. Make sure the straps of the TRX are on the outside of your wrists. Position your feet in front of you so you are supporting your weight with your arms.

Take a deep breath and lower your torso towards the floor. Lower yourself as far as you comfortably can and exhale as your push yourself straight up, extending your arms and contracting your triceps before you repeat the movement.

Your foot position largely increases or decreases the difficulty of these dips. To increase the difficulty & resistance, extend your feet away from your body as far as possible. To decrease the difficulty move your feet back to where your legs are at about a 90degree angle.

For a complete review of the Fitness Anywhere TRX Suspension Trainer, please visit:

Or visit to order one for yourself.

This exercise instruction video features personal trainer Alexander Bruce. For more information about personal training with Alexander in San Francisco you can visit his website:

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