Top 6 exercises for muscle gain workout at home! | The Fitness Pharaoh ابني عضل في البيت

Top 6 exercises for muscle gain workout at home!  | The Fitness Pharaoh ابني عضل في البيت

This video goes through a general workout perfect for beginners and ideal for those unable to catch up with their usual routines.This will make sure you don’t fall behind. Beginners will be able to see more muscle growth, assuming their diet is on point. If anything is unclear at any point, please drop a comment with your question or message me privately.

This is a full body workout.
Beginners will do sets and reps on the lower side, and advanced people are encouraged to do the higher numbers.

يمر هذا الفيديو بتمرين عام مثالي للمبتدئين ومثالي لأولئك غير القادرين على متابعة إجراءاتهم المعتادة. سيضمن لك ذلك الحفاظ على لياقتك البدنية. سيكون بمقدور المبتدئين رؤية المزيد من نمو العضلات ، بافتراض أن نظامهم الغذائي جيد. إذا كان هناك أي شيء غير واضح في أي وقت ، فيرجى التعليق على سؤالك أو إرسال رسالة خاصة لي.

يستهدف هذا التمرين جميع المجموعات العضلية.
سيقوم المبتدئين بعمل مجموعات وممثلين على الأرقام الأدنى ، وسيتم تشجيع الأشخاص المتقدمين على القيام بالأعداد الأعلى.

Exercise 1: CHEST
Sets : 3-6
Reps: 10-15

Exercise 2: BACK
Sets: 2-5
*Dumbbell rows
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-12
Exercise 3: BICEPS
*Alternating dumbbell curls
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-12

Exercise 4: TRICEPS
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-12
*overhead press
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-12
*Diamond pushups
Sets: 2-4
Reps: 8-10

Exercise 5: LEGS
*squats & lunges (superset)
Sets: 3-5
Reps: 6-12

Exercise 6: SHOULDERS
(Superset) of lateral and front raises and pressing.
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 5-10

First of all you must know a little about muscle growth and what are muscle gain workouts at home. Let’s Start… After you work out, your body repairs or replaces damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands or myofibrils. These repaired myofibrils increase in thickness and number to create muscle hypertrophy (growth).
Now we can discuss about what happens when we build muscles. The thing is that when you start building muscles Damage and Repair takes place. Whether you build muscle by lifting weights or using exercise machines, the effect on your muscles is similar. Damage occurs within the muscle fibers in the form of tears. … Additional tissue forms around the site of the injury, increasing the size of your muscles.
Another question arrive in our mind is that How many pounds of muscle should expect to get in a month?
Based on all of this, here’s how fast you can expect to build muscle on average: Average Natural MAN: between 0.25 and 0.5 pounds of muscle per week (or about 1-2 pounds of muscle gained per month). Average Natural WOMAN: between 0.12 –0.25 pounds of muscle per week (or about 0.5-1 pound of muscle gained per month)

more information about Muscle gain:
Fat lose in one week:
First step to fat loss:
Introduction to fat loss:
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