Safety Tips for Seniors and Fitness Tips for Seniors with Limited Mobility

Safety Tips for Seniors and Fitness Tips for Seniors with Limited Mobility


Over the last few days, we’ve talked about the
importance of maintaining a healthy diet and
staying active so you can live the best life

Today, we’re going to talk about another important
issue: safety.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

As we age, we are far more susceptible to
dehydration, especially in summer months. Seniors
are especially at danger because they lose their
ability to conserve water. So make sure you are
drinking enough each day.

Keep Cool:
Even small increases in temperature can take its
toll on seniors, especially those who are coping
with chronic medical conditions.

As we age, our bodies don’t adjust well to changes
in temperature, especially heat. So keep your home
cool, whenever possible.

Know Who to Call:
You should keep a handy contact list of friends,
family and emergency numbers nearby. That way,
if you need help you have access to important

Protect Your Eyes:
You should make sure to have your vision checked
every year, but you also want to make sure to
wear sunglasses when out in the sun.

As we age, the sun can cause irritation to the
eyes so be careful!

And finally,

Wear Hat & Sunblock:
Regardless of age, it’s important to protect
our skin from the harmful exposure to the sun
but seniors are especially at risk.

Hats are a great idea but make sure you apply
sunscreen before you go outside.

Tomorrow is our final email, so I’ll leave you with
some final tips and strategies.

Hey there,

Staying active as we get older is vital in supporting
overall health and maintaining your quality of life.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy, especially if
you’re struggling with limited or restricted mobility.These challenges aren’t always simply age-based either.

Many younger people suffer from mobility issues due to
accidents or illnesses. Here are a few tips to help you get started:1: Be ConsistentYou’ll want to work out the best you can each and
every day. The key is to be consistent with exercise
as doing so will help improve your mobility as well
as flexibility. 2: Start SlowDon’t over-do it! Know your limitations and don’t
push beyond those boundaries. It’s easy to get carried
away when you’re excited about exercising because of
how it’ll improve your mood and stretch out your body,
but be careful not to hinder your ability to continue
by doing too much at once. Instead, focus on starting
slowly and laying the groundwork for big physical changes!3: Move CorrectlyLearn how to properly position your body in order to get
the most out of your exercise while also being careful
not to hurt yourself.

Knowing how to maintain proper posture and movement
throughout your workout will minimize the risk of injury.4: Stretch First!Always be sure to stretch proper to starting any workout.

Stretching will help you improve freedom of movement and
flexibility while warming up your body.
That’s it for today! In tomorrow’s email, we’ll talk about
easy ways that you can instantly improve your physical health.

Until then!


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