Machine Q&A 25 | Female Competitors, Weaker on One Side, Probiotics | Tiger Fitness

Machine Q&A 25 | Female Competitors, Weaker on One Side, Probiotics | Tiger Fitness

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1) Jenn Martin What would you recommend for a female trying to compete again after a few years a 30 lbs weight gain (mostly fat) I’m in a place where I am uncomfortable with my body fat level but I understand that if I want to cut fat, I will be in a deficit, and I most likely wont be building much muscle. I am OK with this – but my question is mostly about training style. The show I have in mind is 24 weeks away (Ocb Cape Cod Naturals). What do you recommend for training? my Instinct tells me to lift lift lift diet diet diet and then tailor my cardio along the way for progress. This extra fat just drives me crazy =/ Thanks!
2) Jack Thenikl When will your new 4-day program be available?
3) Michael Johnson I work overnights and I always kill it in the gym. Dedicated motivated and driven by the need to better myself. I watch all of your videos and I appreciate the realness that you bring and the intensity that you portray. Truly awesome individual.

Question is that I don’t really believe in scheduled rest days. If they happen they happen but for the most part 7 days a week I’m in the gym. Do you believe over training is real and if I am recovering and building muscle is this method alright? I am on a push pull leg shoulder 4 day split? Keep up you being you.
4) ChristieAndy Bennett I’m 42 years old and been lifting for about 1.5 years now. I have noticed that I am a bit weaker on my left side. I have also noticed that my left arm is smaller (irritating!!!). What is the best way to even up the size and strength of the weaker side? Andy
5) Tony Fazzini What is good for joints besides glucosamine?
6) Lindsey Richard Clark Thoughts on ogus 753 program and a 4 day a WK upper lower upper lower split. For strength and size.
7) Nicholas Reed Hey Marc thanks for all you do man, love all the great consistent content you put out. Quick question have you ever heard of or seen bcaa soda and if not why hasn’t anyone made them? If it’s possible to make them and for them to have a good shelf life, that seems like a huge area of the market that no one is capitalizing on. Just wondering, thanks again man.
8) David Sutton I have kids who are close to the ages of your oldest, and I would love to guide them to a healthier lifestyle, so they can avoid the pitfalls I’m still facing at 37. Any plans to release a training program for kids and parents?
9) Victor M. Torres Went to the vitamin store they had a probiotic pill and a seperate digestive enzyme pill, they both claim to aid in digestive health; what is the difference between these 2 and how does uptake stack against these 2 pills
10) Chad Ashton Since caffeine is a vasoconstrictor…would it make more sense to exclude them from pre-workouts since “the pump” is one of the goals we have in the gym?

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Machine Q&A 25 | Female Competitors, Weaker on One Side, Probiotics | Tiger Fitness

Tiger Fitness

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