Lebert Fitness EQualizer Bars | The Perfect RV Fitness Equipment? | Class B RV Fitness

Lebert Fitness EQualizer Bars | The Perfect RV Fitness Equipment? | Class B RV Fitness

Lebert Fitness EQualizer Bars Review – The Perfect RV Fitness Equipment? Watch to find out if they have what it takes to get you in the best shape of your life.

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?Lebert Fitness Equalizer Bars –

What Makes EQualizer Bars Ideal for RVers?

In our experience with Thousand Trails RV Parks, they are hit or miss in regards to having a fitness room. Even if your RV park does have a “fitness room”, it may just be a single ratchety old recumbent bike that is hidden in a corner next to the free library exchange (side note, best gym award so far goes to…Sunshine Key in Florida). So, that leaves us RVers to utilize our RV sites as our gym.
Here again there are always variables. Will there be a concrete slab? Is there a picnic table (if so, is it sturdy)? Will the ground be gravel, soil, mud or grass? I would always recommend going into a park assuming that they have nothing. When we first set off into the RV lifestyle, we knew we had to bring the perfect fitness equipment with us onto our rig, a 22-foot Airstream Sprinter van. Being into heavy resistance training, for us that is 150 pounds of Hoist adjustable dumbbells. Although we still love them, after six months we found our campsite workouts a little one dimensional.
That lead us into the research of another tool we could add to our fitness lifestyle arsenal. Enter Lebert Fitness EQualizer bars. We reached out to the team at Lebert Fitness and asked if they would send us a set to try out and see if they would be perfect fit for the RV community.
What are EQualizer Bars?
Marc Lebert created the EQualizer bars to perform body weight rows in a home/group setting. Specifically, they were designed with a certain client in particular who wanted to perform pull-ups but didn’t have the strength, or the space in her home for training with a lat pulldown machine. The EQualizer bars resulted to become a versatile, all-in-one piece of strength training equipment. This equipment offers hundreds of exercise options with various modifications to suit all fitness levels. While the bars get a lot of action being used for pull-ups, presses, and dips, they are also great for stretching, endurance, and cardiovascular exercises. You truly are limited by your imagination when creating workouts.
EQualizers are Portable, Light and Simple.
The number one factor of what you can and can’t bring on your rig is the size and weight. It is always a delicate balancing act of wants and needs. Let’s face it, most people don’t think 150 pounds of dumbbells in a small van are a necessity. But to us, health and fitness is not only our lifestyle, but it is our business. So, we prioritized the space and weight to bring them. I understand this isn’t for the average RVer, but EVERYONE should prioritize health into their life in some form or fashion. We think these bars tick off some major boxes for being a good piece of fitness equipment for a wide range of ages, fitness levels, and space constraints, for both men and women. They are not overly complicated like some pieces of equipment out there. You can’t get much more simple than two parallel bars, but I am amazed at the effectiveness and the variety of what you can do with them.
EQualizers are Great for the Beginner, the Intermediate, and the Advanced.
You never really know what piece of fad fitness equipment is going to end up in your basement collecting dust, or for us RVers, squirreled away in a seldom used storage cubby. But after using these EQualizer bars for a few weeks, I can really see the diverse value. Even after consistent heavy resistance training (weight training) for about 5 years, these things are no joke. They are very challenging just using body weight and different angles while offering an insane amount of variety in the exercises.
That was the goal for us as we wanted to supplement our weight training for a better well-rounded fitness routine. But you don’t need to be an expert to see value in these bars. In fact, they could be your only piece of fitness equipment and if you used them 5 days a week you could be in the best shape of your life! Just starting out in your fitness journey can leave you with many questions and many uncertainties. I think that’s why an easy straight forward program can be a good option for beginners. What I like about the Lebert Fitness EQualizer bars is that they allow you to gradually increase the difficulty and intensity as your skills and comfort level grow. From beginners to very advanced, you can grow into these bars!
Are Equalizers a Full Body Workout?
Absolutely. For many people they could be your sole form of exercise. But there are many different fitness goals out there and some would prefer to incorporate ……….
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