Huge Arm Training Mistake KILLING Your Gains

Huge Arm Training Mistake KILLING Your Gains

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What’s going on guys! In today’s video, I’m gonna be showing you a HUGE arm training mistake that I see all too often in the gym (that’s KILLING your gains) Once you fix this mistake you’re going to start getting way better and way faster results in your training and ultimately getting bigger arms faster.

This tip is going to be related to your elbow movement and it will apply to any bicep or tricep exercise you’re doing in the gym. For this video, I’ll be demonstrating it using the dumbbell curl, barbell curl, tricep extension and the close grip bench press.

When you are performing any arm exercise your elbows should not be moving back and forth while performing the rep. You work your biceps and triceps by getting flexion and extension in your elbows, which shortens and lengthens the muscle – which is why it’s so crucial your elbow is not swaying your elbows back and forth or flaring out.

Essentially, you want to keep your elbows tucked into your body as much as possible and keeping your elbow in the same spot when you’re training arms for the best contractions. This can be applied to any of the exercises shown in the video, or any arm exercise in general. Hope this helps!

? Trying this tip out? Drop a comment below and let me know how this helped you! Don’t forget to subscribe for more videos as well!

Huge Arm Training Mistake KILLING Your Gains

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