How to Pick the Right Diet for Your Fitness Goals!

How to Pick the Right Diet for Your Fitness Goals!

Trying to lose weight fast? What’s the best diet to lose weight? Or are you trying to gain muscle? How do you know which diet plan is the best type to burn fat quickly?! Watch this video to help you choose the diet that best fits your fitness goals! You can burn fat fast, or build muscle quickly, but it all depends on the right diet!

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– Traditional bodybuilder eating style
If you don’t mind gaining a little bit of fat along with your diet, then this diet is great, because you get to eat a lot, you’re never hungry, and you get to cheat a little bit. This is great for those people who live in cold climates because you get to hide that extra fat with layers!
What should you be eating on this diet? For gaining muscle, I’d recommend eating a balanced diet; lots of veggies, meats, fruits, and general quote unquote, healthy foods. The macronutrient split should be around 35% protein/35% carbs/30% fat. There’s recommendations out there for a 40/30/30 split in protein to carbs to fat, or 30/40/30 split in the same ratio, but really, it’s going to depend on your body and how it affects you. You’ll have to play around and experiment to see what’s best, because even though you’ll definitely gain a little bit of fat, you definitely don’t want to gain A LOT of fat. What you DEFINITELY don’t want to do is to just eat a whole bunch of processed food that just plain makes you fat.
Who shouldn’t do this diet? I’d argue people that are just trying to maintain or lose their weight to stay AWAY from this diet. Why? It’s not because you CAN’T lose or maintain your weight with a 6 meals a day balanced diet, but it’s because prepping and eating 6 meals out of the day just takes up a lot of time and energy. You’ll be better off with the next type of diet, which I’m going to get right into:
– Intemittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a topic that I’ve gotten into a lot before. Click here for one of my first Intermittent Fasting videos, which give you detailed reasons why you should intermittent fast!
I’m not going to go full on into all the benefits of intermittent fasting and how to intermittent fast, but I’ll just go over my personal favorite reasons to intermittent fast and how to do it. Intermittent fasting increases your focus, gives you long lasting energy, and the best part, it saves you time! You won’t have to spend a ton of time cooking and prepping multiple meals, nor do have to waste time eating.

Ketogenic Diet
There are studies that show benefits such as lowered tryglycerides and blood glucose after going on a ketogenic diet, but it’s always safer to monitor how your body responds. Combine ketogenic dieting along with intermittent fasting, and it’s almost a lock that you’ll be shedding fat as quickly as possible!

I’ll actually be going on a ketogenic diet soon, and I’ll be releasing a video chronicling my experience and results associated with the diet!
-Traditional balanced diet
A traditional balanced diet is what most people eat; 3 meals a day with higher carbs, moderate protein, and low to moderate fat. This is what the food pyramid looks like. This is a diet for those people that are already at their desired body level and they’re trying to maintain their physique, or for people that are trying to gain muscle at a slower rate, or lose weight at a slower rate. This diet is great for a permanent lifestyle change, as a lot of people can’t adopt the previous diets or styles permanently.
What do you guys think? Let me know by leaving a comment!
Click here for my video on busting through your plateau!
As always, good luck with your health and fitness goals! How to pick a diet, how to lose weight, how to lose weight fast, best diet plan for weight loss

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