HOW TO GET YOUR GOAL BODY IN 2020 ?? My New Workout + Diet Plan

HOW TO GET YOUR GOAL BODY IN 2020 ?? My New Workout + Diet Plan

I’m so excited to share with you the fitness routine, diet tips and mindset that have transformed my life and body ? if you’re ready to have the best year of your life and want an actual action plan to make it happen watch this video!

Get a free trial of my online studio and workout program here: ?

Get my exact journal prompts on Instagram

you need to set goals and get clear on what you actually want to achieve in order to make a plan and get there.
STEP 1 – get clear on your goals, what do you want? Get specific ie I want to lose 10 lbs this year.
STEP 2 – break it down into small steps you can take each day to get there, consistency is KEY – you need to chip at it daily and create routines and habits that move you forward. Ie I will go to the gym 5 times a week, not keep junk food in the house etc.
STEP 3. Write a list of all your “cants” and excuses then come up for solutions for each one! Be better than your excuses!
STEP 4. Write out who the best version of you is – how does she dress? When does she wake up? What’s her energy like? How does she eat? Workout? Spend her time? Surround herself with?
• this gives you a step by step blueprint of who you can start being today to be the version of you you need to be to reach your goals ??

Having a program laid out for you is SO key for getting results. Your program should be about 4 days per week, balancing strength and cardio and making sure to focus on the entire body.

I always follow bbfit workout calendar which you get when you sign up for free here ?

Get to know what works for YOUR body. We are all different. Focus on how foods make you feel- if you focus on feeling GOOD you’ll eat fresh healthy whole foods that make you feel light and energised and nourished and vibrant after.

Balance is KEY! You can absolutely enjoy all the foods you love in moderation and you should be indulging. You should ONLY eat foods you like that taste good. Healthy food can be so delicious! Try healthy recipes on Pinterest etc. When you indulge do it mindfully and ENJOY IT!! Ditch the guilt ???

Let me know your goals for 2020 and how I can help you achieve them ? big love!! bails XX

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