Healthy Khaman Recipe – For Muscle gain and even fat loss | Why to compromise on taste

Healthy Khaman Recipe – For Muscle gain and even fat loss | Why to  compromise on taste

Hey Friends,
We always try to compromise on our taste to eat healthy and achieve our goals. Your goal can be to gain muscles or lose fat weight , but you can definitely achieve your goals by eating your loved snacks but with some conditions like … Eating those only once or twice a week and making sure you limit your portion size. Overeating your loved snacks is the reason for fat weight gain.. So watch this video to see how you can prepare and enjoy healthy Kahaman at home and enjoy the same taste as you when eating store bought Khaman’s. Healthy and tasty Khaman to gain muscle and even for weight loss.
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Also I hope it adds some value to you.
My name is Shyam Sawant and I work for a global Investment bank. I love fitness and nutrition which lead me to certify my self in Nutrition from ISSA. I have experienced the true power of nutrition over medicine and want you all to realize the same.
Thanks for investing your time in watching this video and I hope it will add some value to your life.

Have a nice day!!!
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Tasty protein breakfast

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