Full-Body Squat Rack Workout | Ashley Horner

Full-Body Squat Rack Workout | Ashley Horner

When time is of the essence, all you need is a squat rack and these 8 exercises from Ashley Horner for a killer workout.
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When time is of the essence, all you need is a squat rack and these 8 exercises from Ashley Horner to blitz your whole body and get out of the gym in no time.

The female body needs iron. No, I’m not talking about the mineral. I’m talking about lifting iron in the gym! The moment I started lifting for my own strength, I found beauty, passion, and confidence. When someone tells me I lift like a girl, I take it as a compliment. If you want to be stronger, fitter, and more confident, then you need iron in your life.

Today’s workout is ideal if you work out in a busy gym, where you can’t afford to waste much time going from one machine to another. You’ll need a barbell, the squat rack, and a pumped-up attitude.

Scout the squat rack and set up camp. Prepare yourself physically and mentally to crush this workout. The workout includes eight exercises to target the whole body, with 3 sets of each exercise and 8-10 reps per set. “I don’t have enough time” is not an acceptable excuse in my book. With this full-body routine, you’ll be in and out of the gym in no time!

Before I start my workout, I make sure I get a really good stretch, especially for my IT band and hip flexors, since these muscles are heavily involved in the movements.

To prepare for this squat-rack session, grab a gym towel or stretch band, if available. This quick routine aims to improve your flexibility and keeps your muscles functioning within a full range of motion.

First, you’ll stretch the IT band and glutes. Lie on your back, raise one leg straight into the air, and wrap the band or towel underfoot. This gives you leverage to push your leg against to really pull on those tight muscles. By moving your outstretched leg around and to the side, you will feel a decent stretch on the hamstrings and glutes. To emphasize the IT band more, cross and bend the leg to the opposite side of your body, as if you’re trying to place your foot on the floor.

Next, to stretch your hip flexors, lie on your elbows, pull one leg into the body with the knee pointing outward, and keep the other leg completely outstretched. Push your stretched leg back to emphasize that hip flexor. Switch to get the other side.

It’s time stretch out your back and upper body. Wrap a towel around a sturdy pole and slowly back up, leaving your arms outstretched and butt back. Keep your back from arching and feel the stretch in your lats and upper back.

Next, stretch your chest. Using a towel or band around a sturdy pole, hold onto the band with one arm and twist your body to one side in a lunge position. Switch to the other arm to even out the arms and pectorals.

As a final stretch before the heavy work begins, I like to place one arm behind my head and stretch out the triceps. Don’t forget to hit both arms!

Once you’re warmed up and ready, it’s time to get to work! Again, aim for 3 sets per exercise within the 8-10 rep range for each. Keep rest between 45-90 seconds. The idea is to keep things moving at a pace that’s right for your individual fitness level. If you need to take breaks, take them, but keep them short.

| Back Squat |
Before you load the bar with any weight, set safety pins just below the depth of your squat. This way, if you have to bail, you can safely do so. This setup also allows you to release the weight and tension for one quick second at the bottom, and then explode back up to the starting position. This recruits more muscle fibers in the working muscles.

| Negative Pull-Up |
Take a weight belt or chains and wrap them around yourself securely. This isn’t a traditional pull-up: I want you to jump up to position your chin above the bar, and then very slowly and in a controlled manner descend to work on the eccentric (negative) portion of the pull-up. Count 5-8 seconds on the way down. This will help build a strong pull-up and strengthen your lats and accompanying back muscles.


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