Fitness Tips: how to lose belly fat

Fitness Tips: how to lose belly fat

Welcome to fitness tips with Abhish! Today’s fitness tip is “what exercise will help me lose belly fat?” the simple answer is none. Absolutely no one exercise will help you lose belly fat, or fat anywhere else for that matter. This is called Spot-training. Spot training is when you try to focus all of your workouts on one area of your body in hopes to improve just that part of your body, Hence, “spot-training”. This means you keep trying to either lose weight or define a certain muscle group. It’s kinda like saying, “if I lose weight, maybe I’ll seem like a nicer person.” Yes, You May look nicer, but you may still be a shit person on the inside. That means you need to work on your overall self to be nicer. And the same applies to fitness. When your body loses fat, it loses fat everywhere, not just in one particular area. You can’t pick and choose. So the best example is the belly. If you do 500 crunches a day but you ignore everything else, your core will be super strong and you’ll have abs of steel, but they will be covered with the same layer of fat that’s been there since the beginning. This means the muscle-mass will grow in that area but you won’t lose fat. Therefore, the new muscle mass will actually push the existing layer of fat forward and you’ll actually look worse than before. Your fitness goal, whatever it may be, must start with losing body fat all over the body. This can be achieved only by eat healthy, consistently staying at a caloric deficit everyday AND working out on a regular basis, including at least 20 minutes of full-body HIIT training. I’ll explain all of that in another video. But for now, remember, spot training is not real. And if anyone tells you it is, they deserve a swift kick to the dick, because they are just trying to scam you. This includes those belly fat burning DVDs and people online that claim that spot reduction is a thing to get you to follow them and buy their stuff. Anyways, that’s fitness tips with Abhish, see you next time!

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