Do Fitness Models Eat Dairy?

Do Fitness Models Eat Dairy?

Do fitness models eat dairy?

There is no super food that makes you super-fit or make and break a weight loss plan.

There are foods you have to avoid.

Everything in moderation. Once Snickers bar or chip isn’t going to blow your diet.

There are foods advertised I bet you can’t eat just one.

If you can’t eat just one, then you need to stay away from it.

Dairy can be like that.

A lot of protein shakes have whey protein, and that is derived from dairy. You can add skim milk to your oatmeal or fruit smoothie and be just fine.

I thought dairy was bad because it had too much fat.

Eating a whole pizza to get the calcium is bad. Having a slice of cheese shredded and added to your salad isn’t bad.

Salad is an inefficient source of nutrients.

Adding cheese to a ham sandwich isn’t going to blow your diet regimen. You do have to get some fats and sugars.

Dairy is supposed to be bad for your blood sugar control.

A little low fat cheese is a good source of protein. Ice cream, however, is not good for you.

It just tastes good.

Try yogurt with fruit in it. Too many people avoid dairy and then wonder why they have osteoporosis later in life.

They didn’t do strength training to maintain strong bones.

They didn’t get enough calcium to maintain strong bones. And you have to eat a lot of broccoli, cauliflower and kale to get enough calcium if you aren’t eating dairy.

So a slice of pizza is good for me, for the calcium.

Only if you can have just one. Otherwise, just have the skim milk in your cereal or smoothies.

Or check the protein shakes for the calcium content.

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