Here is an easy recipe to make tasty bodybuilding chicken breast in just 10 minutes.the calorie information will be given below. It is a very high protein meal which you can definitely include in your diet for fat loss and weight loss or if you are cutting. Very quick and east to prepare and it doesn’t require too many spices either. Very convinient way for college and hostel students to hit their daily protein intake as well!
Here are the steps which you can follow as guidelines :
1. Wash chicken breast
2. Heat up the pan
3. Sprinkle salt, pepper and piri piri on top of the chicken breast pieces
4. Flip the chicken breast pieces and apply the seasonings again
5. Add 1 tbsp of ghee on top of the hot pan
6. Once the pan is heated, put the chicken pieces inside the pan
7. Put the gas on medium heat and let one side cook for 5 minutes
8. After 5 minutes flip the pieces of chicken and let the other side cook for another five minutes
Nutritional Values:
Chicken Breast 100g: 165 Calories, 0g Carbohydrates, 3.6g Fat, 31g Protein
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