#gym #workout #funnycartoonsforkids Watch more funny episodes of Eena Meena Deeka- Tik Tak Tail – Foxie and Eena, Meena and Deeka are working out at the GYM. Eena, Meena and Deeka spots Foxie and fool him by increasing the weight of hisbarbell. Foxie spots them and goes after them. This time he faces weight plates,…
FULL GYM LEG DAY WORKOUT! | Build and Define your lower body
March 4, 2020Hi guys! This has been my go-to leg workout the last couple of weeks! As you may know, I have three lower body days a week, 2 glute focused and then one full lower body where I really focus in on the quads, hamstrings, and calves. Don’t be fooled though, you will still target your…