Best Workouts for Beginners | Simple Workouts | Fitness Series | Kelsley Nicole

Best Workouts for Beginners | Simple Workouts | Fitness Series | Kelsley Nicole

Best workouts for beginners! This week Reecey will show us some of her favorite full body workouts!

Workout Info:
Kelsley- 15 lbs weights, medium resistance bands
Laurice- 10lbs weights, medium resistance bands

Kelsley Nicole (Hardgainers)

“As a former athlete with a fast metabolism and a slender frame I’ve always had difficulty reaching a “healthy” weight. In my quest to pack on some pounds I ate every possible unhealthy thing that I could, but I realized this past October that I couldn’t do that anymore. Two years post-running (I was a sprinter) I’m challenging myself to live a healthy lifestyle while continuing to reach for my fitness goals. Join me and Laurice as we take on this #FitLifestyle!

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Laurice Imani (Weightloss)

“Being fit has always been a dream of mine but actually putting in the work was always a distant thought. I finally decided to get up and make change. My journey has just begun but I’d like for you to join in! Join in as Kelsley and I walk you through the woes, joys, ups and downs of being fit by gaining & losing weight!”

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N E W Episodes every other T U E S D A Y!

Rollin with Elephants- Shakka


**Disclaimer: Neither of us our fitness experts, we are just two girls trying to change our lifestyle and eating habits. We hope that you will find some new tips and ideas while joining us on this journey!

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