Dietitian Reviews Fit with Cambrie What I Eat in a Day

Dietitian Reviews Fit with Cambrie What I Eat in a Day

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Cambrie mentions she’s dairy free, however is eating grass fed butter in this video which is definitely not dairy free.

Many of you have mentioned her DEBLOAT Magnesium that Cambrie sells. These are a form of laxatives and I want to caution the use of laxatives for “weight loss”. Some concerns with laxatives is that they can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and dependence. Also, laxatives don’t lead to any actual fat loss, you’re just losing waste and can cause more harm than good.

Hey guys, in another edition of the What I Eat in a Day YouTuber Review we’re taking a closer look at the diet of fitness YouTuber Fit with Cambrie. Cambrie is a fitness health blogger, influencer, actress and model. She’s built a huge following on Instagram and YouTube and offers meal plans, leads fitness classes and even Skype sessions to get you the “beach body of your dreams”.

What I Like About Cambrie’s WIEIAD:

Balanced Easy Meals
Cambrie’s meals are simple and balanced. In most of her meals, she makes sure that she is combining a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat to make the meal or snack satiating until her next meal. Aside from the morning, her meals and snacks are fairly consistent and regular throughout the day. She typically eats every 2-4 hours. This is likely to ensure she’s eating enough in her eating window to align with her fasting schedule.

Limited Restrictions
Aside from avoiding dairy and gluten, Cambrie seems to enjoy eating a variety of foods and does not encourage people to avoid large food groups.

What I Dislike About Cambrie’s WIEIAD

Low Caloric Intake
Cambrie is not taking in a lot of calories. Recommended daily caloric intake for moderately active and active women between the age of 19-35 is between 2,000 – 2,400. In one day, Cambrie is clocking in around 1,900 calories which is on the very low end of the recommended calorie amount especially given that she is highly active. Like I mentioned, for someone who is a VERY active fitness influencer, her food intake is not complimenting her active lifestyle. Her carb intake is below the average, her protein intake is moderate and her fat intake is above average. She seems to following a lower carb, higher fat diet with moderate protein. Cambrie is getting a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and healthy fats, and seems to be meeting her micronutrient needs.

Triggering, Toxic, Orthorexic Language
Throughout her video, Cambrie subtly distinguishes good food and bad and probably mentions the word “clean” like five times. Several times she mentions how summer is approaching and the importance of having a bikini bod which can add a ton of pressure on individuals with disordered eating thoughts.

Where’s the Credibility
I briefly touched on this earlier. Cambrie provides a ton of fitness and nutrition advice, but I don’t see any credentials to support her “expert opinion”. Cambrie also offers a Skype q&a diet session. For $100 and only 30 minutes you can get diet advice from someone who isn’t likely licensed to give diet advice.

A few things I want to leave you with. Screw the summer/festival/beach bod and screw clean eating. Eat what feels good to you, and be good to your body, because it’s a friggin rockstar.

For more tips on staying healthy, recipes, dieting, and information fit for consumption by foodies everywhere stop by Abbey’s blog. m

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