10 Best Abs Exercises to Build a Six-Pack at Home Without Any Gym Equipments

10 Best Abs Exercises to Build a Six-Pack at Home Without Any Gym Equipments


Abdominal “V” Crunch Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Lie on your back over the mattress.
Fold and rest the hand over the front of the chest.
Flex upper body and lower leg together.
Hold the knee with hand and immediately let it go.
Straighten the upper body and lower leg while using abdominal muscles.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Reverse Crunch Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Lie on your back.
Hold the arm behind the head while legs laid flat on the ground.
Bend the lower leg at knee and hip.
Bring the knee joint towards the abdomen as much as possible.
Keep the upper body straight against the ground.
Bring the knee in resting position.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Vertical Leg Crunch Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Lie on your back.
Hold the hand behind the head.
Flex the lower leg slowly using abdominal muscles at hip keeping knee joint extended (straight) position.
Keep the shoulder blade flat on the ground.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Straight Arm Crunch Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Lie on your back.
Stretch the upper arm on side of the body and keep flat on the ground.
Keep the lower leg extended against the ground.
Flex the upper body with upper arm stretched on the side.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Full Sit-up Crunch Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Lie flat on ground.
Flex knee and hip joint
Keep the foot firmly on the ground.
Hold both the arm over the chest.
Bend upper body close to knee joint as much as possible.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Crunches in Sitting Position Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Sit straight on chair.
Make sure foot is rested on the ground.
Hold both the hands behind the head.
Bend slowly forward using abdominal muscles.
Straighten the back slowly and sit straight.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Crunch in Standing Position Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Stand straight with legs about feet apart.
Hold both hands behind the head.
Bend upper body forward as much as possible.
Do not bend lower leg.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Hanging Leg Lift Crunch Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Use any fixed bar, which can hold your weight.
Hang on the bar with both the arms while knee is bent.
Bring the knee towards the abdomen.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Ball Lift Crunch Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Lie flat on your back.
Hold the ball between the legs below the knee joint.
Keep arms flat on your side.
Lift the arm with both the leg as much as possible.
Hold the ball in final position as long as possible.
Bring the leg slowly to rest on the ground.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Abdominal Crunches On The Ball Exercise for Six Pack Abs:

Rest your lower back on a ball sized about 1.5 to 2 feet in diameter.
Keep the arm crossed around your chest.
Curl your upper body towards the knee joint.
Prevent the ball rolling while doing the exercise.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercises can be done at home, work and during vacation in hotels. Ten repetition of each exercise can be done in three sets. During initial few weeks time taken for each sets of exercise is between 1.5 to 2 minutes. Later in 6 months each exercise can be done in one minute. One can complete all 10 exercises in 10 minutes.

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