1 minute Fitness Tips | Why can’t I lose weight? | Colaw Fitness Podcast #31

1 minute Fitness Tips | Why can’t I lose weight? | Colaw Fitness Podcast #31

At Colaw Fitness we are passionate about helping people achieve great results. We provide fitness tips that help you reach your goals.

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Hi we are Charles and Amber Colaw here with the fitness tip of the week. So Charles, people ask us all the time, why can’t I lose weight? So give them a fitness tip so they can help help them lose weight.

The fitness tip to being to losing weight is being consistent. And uh, you have to basically find a consistent diet and workout that you’re going to actually be able to follow. So the fitness tip is find a plan, a diet plan, and a workout plan that’s really truly sustainable for you. And at Colaw Fitness. We’ve got some of those templates. You go to our free trainer and find some of the information, but that’s the fitness tip of the week. Find basically a consistent plan you can follow for your diet and your workout. Have a blessed day. This is Charles and Amber Colaw. We’ll see you guys next week.

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