Treadmill workouts made fun by celebrity fitness trainer

Treadmill workouts made fun by celebrity fitness trainer

Treadmill workouts are not boring, here’s why.
“Guess what else you can add to the treadmill? Dumbbells!”
That’s a top tip from celebrity fitness trainer Jeanette Jenkins.
The founder of The Hollywood Trainer Club, which boasts clients such as Pink and Alicia Keys and Jeanette Jenkins, loves to mix up her treadmill routines with various speeds, inclines and weights.
“The treadmill is one of my favorite exercise machines because really it’s not boring,” says Jenkins.
“There’s a million things you can do on them. So if you are a beginner, yes you can walk, that’s not a problem but you can also hike, you can pump that incline up and get on an incline of 10 percent, 15 percent. And when you go on those inclines it helps target the booty and the hamstrings and of course your core.”
Sprinting can be one of the best exercises for building muscle and decreasing body fat.
“That rotation you get in the core when you’re sprinting is incredible for the fast-twitch muscle fibers of your core which really help you get that definition. I mean seriously, have you looked at a sprinter is abs, they are kind of epic OK so they know what they are doing.”
Jenkins recommends sprinting for one-minute intervals at a speed between 10 and 12 mph.
Use a two-minute jog at four mph to recover. Repeat eight times.
For the shoulders, triceps and biceps, Jenkins says use the treadmill on an incline.
“That walk uphill can be a great time to tone and define the upper body,” she says.
“Sounds like fun? You can’t wait, right? I know you can’t wait. You just can’t wait! It’s so exciting, treadmill life! Come on the hamster wheel. You too can do it.”

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