Best nutrition and fitness tips

Best nutrition and fitness tips

So, all of you are always looking for the best fitness and nutrition tips. Physcial fitness is an extremely important part of our lives, especially when you are stuck to your desk 8 hours a day. So what is your workout routine? Do you have workout plans? How important are good workouts for your body? Is upper body workout enough? Or is it necessary to do strength training/weight training as well as arm workouts? These are some common questions all of you would have asked your gym instructors at some point of your life. However, have you ever asked them about nutrtion? If it is necessary to under the nutrition facts and what you eat before and after a workout?

If you have not, watch our video and find out more about what you should eat before you begin your workout routine:


Ideally, a pre-workout meal must be low in fat, have low fiber content, must contain fluids, and have moderate amounts of carbohydrates and protein. Since muscles rely on carbohydrate foods as a quick energy source, you can choose between rice, cereals, breads, pasta, fruits and vegetables as a pre-workout meal.

A grilled chicken sandwich or a slice of baked, low fat pizza seems to fit the description, doesn’t it? Well, go ahead, chomp it down; just make sure it’s low in fat.

Restrict your pre-workout calorie intake to 500 calories or less.

Mid-workout woes

It is highly essential to keep up your liquid intake and stay hydrated while exercising. It not only improves your performance, but also acts as a natural cooling system for your body. Make sure you take atleast two cups of water one or two hours before exercising.

Post-workout, your body is in the recovery mode, which means, you need to provide it foods rich in essential nutrients. Proteins and carbohydrates are good choices when it comes to choosing foods for a post-workout meal. Choose from lean meats like turkey, chicken and or stick to your favorite eggs. You could also choose to try sea foods like salmon, tuna or shrimps. Make sure you add some fresh veggies as an accompaniment – they provide a good source of fiber and are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B, D and E.

Make sure you consume your post-workout meal within 60 minutes of working out; waiting too long can cause your body to become less likely to use the food you eat as fuel, and chances are you’ll run out of energy the next day.
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