5 FAST Home Exercises To Burn Fat & Calories Without Going to the Gym

5 FAST Home Exercises To Burn Fat & Calories Without Going to the Gym

No time for the gym? Here are 5 of the best fast easy calorie-burning exercises you can do at home or at work quickly right by your desk or in the kitchen or living room or outside on the road. Squats, lunges, burpees, sprinting, HIIT, lie down and stand up fast as many times as you can for 60 seconds. Teamed with intermittent fasting and of course eating right this is a potent effective calorie burn you can easily do at home or away from the gym.

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5 home exercises to burn fat & calories without going to gym

Believe it or not, 30 minutes of aerobics, hiking or jogging only burns 200 calories…that’s less than one cup of non fat yogurt! Usually when we think we are burning off lots of calories, we really aren’t. This is why people get fatter and fatter and wonder why.

So what are the best calorie burning exercises we can do at home or the office without going to the gym?

The best one by far is…

(High Intensity Interval Training) is any kind of high intensity exercise where you are pushed to the max, then you recover for a minute, then you do it again. One of the best is sprinting- running as fast as you possibly can- sprint, recover, sprint, recover. Interval training for 20-30 minutes is more effective than running steady for an hour. HIIT raises HGH, raises fat burning, raises testosterone, raises resting metabolism for up to 24 hours after HIIT. When paired with Intermittent fasting , HIIT becomes a even more effective

The bigger the muscles used, the more energy is burned … so the best muscles for burning calories and fat are the legs because they are the biggest muscles. One of the best most straight forward leg exercise is…

SQUATS. Just squat down from a standing position and then back up again without moving your feet. To find out just how powerful these are, try doing 30 squats! You can literally feel the energy your body is burning. Of course you need good knees to do squats. These are great because they require almost no room- you can literally do them right at your work desk.

Another great leg exercise you can do at home is LUNGES. Just walk in really big slow steps while touching your knees to the ground each time. This not only works out your legs but also your butt- this is one of the best exercises to get a firm rear end!

The more muscles you use, the more energy and fat is burned. One of the most famous full body calorie burners is BURPEES- get down and do a pushup, then pull your knees up to your chest, then jump up as high as you can and do it again. I dare you to try 20 of these in a row non stop!

A variation of this is to LIE DOWN and STAND UP as many times as you can in 60 seconds. You will be absolutely worn out within one minute! Do this ten times a day and watch how you feel the next day.

Up next.. how does fat leave the body? Where does it go? You’ll be surprised and knowing this makes all the difference in the world for burning fat.

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