What Cara Brotman Eats in a Day ONE MEAL A DAY Meal Plan to Burn Fat

What Cara Brotman Eats in a Day ONE MEAL A DAY Meal Plan to Burn Fat

Cara Brotman eats just ONE MEAL a day and this is what she eats to look fabulous as she approaches 50. She shows how she gets all the nutrients, protein, fats, minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins the body needs on a raw vegan plant-based diet. This is the best way to stay thin, burn fat, have amazing flat abs, high natural energy all day long, and no hormone issues like most middle aged women dealing with menopause, mood swings, etc. No problems here! This is by far the healthiest diet imaginable and its so easy, simple, fast and cheap. The prep time isnt really that much considering its only ONE MEAL a day. No breakfast and no lunch and never ending energy all day long. Stay young, stay happy. Be inspired. See more health articles, videos and recipes:


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And YES she eats fruit. She just prefers savory fruit (cucumbers, avocados, tomatoes, zucchini etc) over sweet stuff. But once in a while she does eat a fruit salad.

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