7 Reasons You Are Experiencing Weight Fluctuation in 2019 | The Climbing Dietitian

7 Reasons You Are Experiencing Weight Fluctuation in 2019 | The Climbing Dietitian

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In today’s video I discuss the 7 reasons your weight is fluctuating – and hint…it’s not related to fat gain.

When it comes to weight loss, a lot of people stress out when their weight jumps around. However, this is perfectly normal and a part of your survival mechanism.

So, why does our weight randomly fluctuate?
Well a lot of it has to do with fluid retention as a result of certain mechanisms in your body. In fact you need to expect that your weight will go up and down and not go down in a linear fashion.

In today’s brand new video from Sports Dietitian Aleksa will explain all you need to know when it comes to your scale weight and why and how it fluctuates so that you stop stressing and can interpret your results more effectively.

Hope you enjoy!

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Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for more upcoming nutrition videos where I answer the questions you have been asking yourselves about health and nutrition!

Until next time,

Aleksa (The Climbing Dietitian)

#weightfluctuation #weightloss #fatloss #nutrition #dietitian

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